Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is my first post, I'm new to blogger, blah blah blah.  Now that we've gotten that out of the way I want to talk about the trip I took to SOFA last weekend.  For who ever doesn't know what SOFA is, its the sculpture and functional art expo in Chicago on the Navy Pier.  Its held in a hall the size of a football field, for three day the hall is filled with works of art that range from huge glass sculptures to small ceramic teapots. This amazing event happens every year and costs $15 to get in.  
I hardly have any knowledge of the artists or processes of most 3D artworks, but this handicap didn't stop me from gaining ideas from the amazing artwork that was there.  Artists were constantly walking and all of them that ran into were more than happy to talk about their work and their techniques

Going to SOFA definitely makes me want to start creating in 3D media!  If you have a chance go to it!